Cherry & Vanilla Hard Seltzer


  • Vodka 38%  – 131ml
  • Sucralose – 0.035g
  • Potassium Sorbate 20%  – 1.1g
  • Citric Acid 50% – 3.0ml
  • Red Colour – 0.3g
  • Carbonated water Up to 1L

Cherry & Vanilla Hard Seltzer Recipe

Cherry & Vanilla Hard Seltzer is a refreshing drink perfect for a picnic, family party or enjoyed over ice with fresh fruit.


1. Add the vodka, posassium sorbate & small amount of water to a vessel and mix well

2. Add the citric acid and mix well until homogeneous

3. Add the colour and mix well until homogeneous

4. Add the flavours and mix well until homogeneous

5. Add the remaining water and mix well until homogeneous

6. Chill, carbonate and bottle up